Reading Grade(s)

Digital Skills Services

Last Update 2 bulan yang lalu


The Grades page displays your course gradebook. By default, the grade calculation only displays grades for assessments that have been submitted and/or graded [1] and because of this, the “Total” value can be misleading.  It may not indicate your actual achievement in the course at a given time.

For many courses, the “Total” is only accurate upon completion of the course, which is when the course has ended.

To ensure the grades total portrays a more accurate real-time calculation, it is strongly recommended that students change their default grade view to “View Total Grade”. Please follow these instructions.

Viewing Total Grade

In order to view a grade total that includes all of the course assessments, whether they have been graded or not, deselect the sidebar checkbox labeled “Calculate based only on graded assignments” [2]. The Total values in the gradebook will now reflect your total grade.

This grade total setting will provide you with the most accurate view of your grade in this course.

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