Identifying Courses in MyCanvas

Digital Skills Services

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MyCanvas Course List

You will likely now see several different types of course shells in the All Courses area of your MyCanvas account. This document will help you understand the various naming conventions, so you can determine which course to copy to your student-populated semester offering. (See these Instructions for Copying MyCanvas Courses)

Accessing All Courses

To view the list of all the courses you are enrolled in, click on the Courses item in the left-hand Global Navigation menu and select the “All Courses” item below the list.

Course Naming Conventions

There are several types of courses that may appear in your All Courses section.

The definition for each type of course (identified by the blue number) is detailed under the corresponding heading below.

1. Sandbox - Personal

All faculty and staff active in eLearn as Instructors should have been automatically enrolled in a personal Sandbox course. This is a place where you can learn and experiment in MyCanvas, and is a compliment to the Growing with Canvas teacher training course.

This course is named after you (e.g. Samantha Powers Sandbox), has no term, and no reference to a course code.

Contact the Centre for Teaching & Learning if you don’t have a personal Sandbox.

2. Blueprints

Blueprint courses are similar to Master courses in eLearn, but with additional features. These were manually created by CTL at the request of faculty/staff. Blueprints should include the word Blueprint, the course code and name, and they should be in the Blueprint term.

3. Sandbox – Course Repair & Reconfiguration

Sandboxes for course repair & reconfiguration were manually created at the request of faculty/staff. These course shells can be used to work on specific courses to get them ready for delivery to students.

4. Semester Course Offering – Banner-Generated

Course shells in which students are enrolled, called Banner-generated courses, will be generated each semester for your course delivery. These are the course shells you will teach your students from each semester. These course shells have the same naming convention as they did in eLearn (e.g. Course Name – Course Code). Semester offerings specify the course delivery period under the Term column (apologies for the small print).

Note: The integration of MyCanvas with the Banner system caused all courses from Fall 2019 and Winter 2020, including students, to appear in MyCanvas. These course shells do not contain any course content and should not be published, except for those courses which are scheduled for restarting on April 27 to complete the semester.”

5. K16 Migrated

All courses from the six semesters running Summer 2018 to Winter 2020 were migrated and repaired using the K16 system, with all corresponding Instructors and Course Setup enrolled. The names of these courses start with “eLearn” and end with the course CRN. They do not have a term.

Understanding the CRN code

Every Banner-generated course has a unique 11 digit code that breaks down as follows:

Example: CRN 21066.202215

 Digits one to five of the CRN are randomly generated (i.e. 21066)

 Digits six to 10, following the period, indicate the year (i.e. 2022)

 Digit 11 is the semester, where 1 = Winter, 2 = Spring/Summer, and 3 = Fall (i.e.1)

 Digit 12 indicates offering type, where 0 = Continuing Education, 3 = Apprenticeship, and 5 = Day School (i.e. 5)

6. Course – Student View

In courses where you are enrolled as a student, it will say “Student” in the Enrolled As column.

Starring Your Courses

Once you have found the courses you want to work on or teach, you can select the star icon to the left of the course name to see them on your MyCanvas Dashboard and Courses drop-down menu. This will give you quick access to the course(s) in future.

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